Understanding the Presentation and Optimal Management of Pelvic Floor Disorders

Category: Training - School of Surgery

Date: October 10th 2013 8:30am until 3:00pm

Location: Thistle Grand Hotel, Bristol BS1 2EL

Google map

For General Surgery and Urology trainees (ST3+)



This 1/2 day workshop for surgical and urology trainees (ST3 and above), will provide an overview of the management of patients with pelvic floor disorders. The multi-professional expert faculty will be led by Mike Lamparelli (Dorset County Hospital) and will include Richard Cohen, Andy Clarke, Andy Williams, Sophie Pilkington and Patricia Boorman. This workshop will run concurrently with the 7th National Pelvic Floor Society meeting (www.nationalpelvicfloormeeting.co.uk).

Delegates attending this course will benefit from:

  • Seminars covering the challenges of managing pelvic floor disorders and patient perspectives
  • Refreshers on the anatomy and physiology of the pelvic floor
  • Interactive sessions on history taking: useful questionnaires, typical presentations and warning signs
  • Overviews of typical investigations such as defaecating proctogram, anorectal manometry and physiology studies
  • Discussions covering conservative management and surgical treatment options such as STARR, Ventral Mesh Rectopexy, SNS etc
  • Awareness of different perspectives in the diagnosis and management of pelvic floor disorders within the MDT, including colorectal surgeons, urologists, urogynaecologists and nurse specialists
  • Interactive discussions on typical scenarios

Provisional Timetable

08:30 Registration/Course introduction (Michael Lamparelli)

9:00 Why do pelvic floor surgery? (Richard Cohen)

9:40 Pelvic anatomy and interpreting radiology (Andy Williams)

10:10 The urologists approach to pelvic floor disease (Tamsin Greenwell)

10:40 Coffee

11:00 MDT Case 1: Incontinence (All faculty)

11:30 Total pelvic floor USS (Sophie Pilkington)

12:00 MDT Case 2: Prolapse (All faculty)

12:30 MDT Case 3: Obstructive defecation (All faculty)

13:00 Close/ join NPFS meeting for those registered



Attendance is free for Severn and Peninsula trainees, but places must be booked in advance. Trainees from other Deaneries will be charged £35 to attend this event. (Charges will apply for attendance at the NPFS meeting.)



Booking: by email to contact@swstn.org or phone 01935 315052/ 315068, also on-line at www.swstn.org


For additional information

Contact course organisers Jon Randall (jonathan.randall@nuth.nhs.uk) or Kat Gash (kat_jg@hotmail.com) for more details about this event.