Research Methods Training Day (Day 1)
Category: Training - School of Surgery
Date: June 3rd 2013
Location: Novotel Bristol Centre, Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HY
Training and hands on experience in research methods to evaluate surgery (of all types). Surgical trainees from all specialties who want to learn about health services research methods and to be involved in high quality research projects are invited to attend five annual research training days.
These events will provide an opportunity to learn how to evaluate surgical interventions in well designed and conducted studies and an opportunity to participate in research projects led by the Centre for Surgical Research at University of Bristol.
Session themes covered in this series of training events: What is good evidence? – Observational vs. randomized studies, Surgical trials and Systematic reviews.
Chairs: Professor Jane M Blazeby and Dr Jelena Savović
Day 1. 3rd of June, 2013
Day 2. 16th of July, 2013
Day 3. 27th of September, 2013 (Research and Audit Prize Day)
Days 4 & 5. TBA.
Attendance is free with lunch and refreshments provided.
For a detailed agenda, queries and registration
Please note: This is a morning training session only. It will be followed in the afternoon by the Western CLRN Surgery Specialty Group Research Meeting. Please book for this separately by emailing